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What's The BPH DOGS?

Theses' loveable dogs are the reason BPH exists. 

They either embody what we stand for or are the direct inspiration for the creation of the company. As such we hold all the dogs listed in highest regard, they are a reminder of where we started, this is why we have the cute royal court titles for all of them.

BPH's founding trio are in our name, in order of youngest to oldest.

 Bite- Noxious

Point- Champ

Howl- Nona.

At the time Noxious was not even born when the company started but the idea of him was, and he was here in spirit.

The Lovable K9 Crew

Build a bond, build a team.



The Queen

A service dog, a hunting dog, and a sass machine, Every day she proves naysayers wrong, "You can't teach a husky to track/point/retrieve." To that, she and I say, "watch me."


She routinely aids in the rehabilitation of dog aggressive dogs; with her demeaner she had also helped those with dog phobias gain confidence.


Her legacy, and her memory will far outlive the forever youthful Queen. Here's to many more years.



The Knight

Although he is tiny, he has a big job. Clark is a cardiac alert service dog that works hard to keep his handler safe. On his down time he enjoys chasing squirrels, spending the day out on the water, and running full speed along his handler's bike.


He is responsible for the freedom he has given his handler Sarah, allowing her to finish her studies, work in a lab department and even enjoy her life. 



The Jester

A hunting dog with a humor unmatched, Champ lives to be 100% the biggest dork on the planet. Champ enjoys cuddling, chasing lizards, and slamming into my knees. He never fails to bring a smile on your face.


As his handler's first dog he proved to be a challenge, however through dedication and some help he's grown into an amazing hunting companion.



The Princess

Karma might be the craziest out of the bunch. Karma is a multipurpose service dog and a trick dog on the side. She loves playing fetch on her off time but not as much as working and helping her mom. She might look and act professional but, on the inside, she is the goofiest dog she can be.


Karma's love and dedication to her handler is what has gotten her owner through dark and difficult times. She has been the light to her live and is now her main help in managing her household of multiple dogs and a toddler.


The Master Of Horses

Outlaw's friendly demeanor is juxtaposed by her desire to be left alone by strangers. A strong and beautiful shepherd she used to be a service dog however, after her handler passed away, she's since been living the pet life.





The Prince

Noxious is a high drive Belgian Malinois. He's more dog than can possibly ever fit in his body; a dream and a nightmare rolled into one. He's the type of dog to work himself to death. Through bleeding gums and through heat that leaves him shaking, he's not willing to back down, and for him neither am I.

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